Education Loan
There is no doubt about the importance of education these days. Be it school education or college education, it serves as a stepping stool for you to achieve your dreams. Whether it is college education or post-graduation, don’t let high tuition fees hamper your growth. Getting an education loan is an easy way to finance your dreams. A student loan can help you get into the university of your choice. The Government’s push on education means you can avail education loan subsidy, and you also get tax benefits for interest paid under Section 80E of the Income Tax Act. Our Associated financial Institutions Provide offers you different types of education loans in India to fulfil your dreams. Most of these student loans in India have a repayment period of 10-15 years and a moratorium of the course period and the specified number of months. All education loans do not need a security for a loan up to Rs. 4 lakhs.
Vidya (for school education from Nursery to XII)
This loan is given out for school education in any recognized school. The maximum loan granted is Rs. 4 lakhs and is payable in 12 installments after disbursement.
Key Benefits:
No processing & documentation charges.
No Margin.
No security required.
Should be an Indian national residing in India.
Student should have secured admission to a recognized school / Highschool / Jr. College (including CBSE / ICSE / State Board) for any of the following courses
Stage I : Nursery to V th STD.
Stage II : VI th to VIII STD.
Stage III : IX th to XII th STD.
Evening courses of institutes approved by State /Central Govt.
Loan to be granted in the name of father/mother of the student
Interest Rates & Charges:
For Present rate of interest
0.50% concession in rate of interest to loans for girl students.
Interest to be serviced as and when applied during moratorium period.
Penal Interest @ 2% on overdue amount if the loan amount exceeds Rs. 2/- lacs.
Most Important Terms & Conditions:
Target group Parents of Students pursuing school education from Nursery to Class XII.
Quantum of finance Maximum Rs. 4.00 Lakh
Need based finance subject to repayment capacity of parents.
Margin NIL.
Coverage of expenses for
Fee payable to college / school.
Examination / Library / Laboratory Fee.
Fee and other charges payable to hostel.
Purchase of books / equipments / instruments / uniforms.
Personal Computers / Laptops wherever required.
Caution deposit / building fund / refundable deposit supported by instituion bills / receipts.
Cost of external coaching/tuition is not to be considered
Repayment Period
Loan for each yearly sub limit is repayable in 12 equal monthly instalments. First instalment to be due 12 months after first disbursement of each year's loan component.
Interest to be serviced as and when applied during the moratorium period.
Repayment Capacity
Total deductions from the income including the proposed instalment and interest should not exceed 60% of total income. The income of spouse, wherever spouse is working also to be considered. Suitable proof of income is to be obtained.
Unified Processing charges: NIL
No security
In case the loan is given for purchase of computer the same is to be hypothecated to the Bank
Directly to School / Institution / hostel -- term wise / year wise.
Directly to book seller / shop for purchase of books, instruments, equipment's.
Next year disbursement to be made only after student has passed the current year annual examination & progress report / marksheet to that effect is produced by parents.
Other Terms
A stamped declaration / an affidavit confirming that no Educational loan is availed from other banks / institutions for the child for whom loan is sanctioned by us and shall not avail educational loan from any other bank without obtaining NOC from our bank during the pendency of our educational loan, be obtained No dues certificate need not be insisted upon.
B- Gyan (for higher study in India)
This student loan in India is specifically designed for those pursuing graduation, post graduation, or any other professional courses in India. To avail this loan, the student should have secured admission in the course. The maximum loan amount is Rs. 80 lakhs for medical & aviation education and Rs. 60 lakhs for other courses.
Key Benefits
No processing charges.
No Margin on loans up to 4 lacs.
Free Debit Card.
Courses Eligible
Graduation courses : BA, B.Com, B.Sc., etc
Post Graduation courses : Masters & Phd.
Professional courses like: Engineering, Medical, Agriculture, Veterinary, Law, Dental, Management, Architecture, Computer etc.
(Management courses include Hotel Mgt., Hospitality Mgt., Mass Communication etc offered by reputed institutions having assured employment prospects)
Computer certificate courses of reputed institutes accredited
to Dept. of Electronics or institutes affiliated to an approved university.
Courses like ICWA, CA, CFA etc.
Courses conducted by IIM, IIT, IISc, XLRI. NIFT etc.
Regular Degree / Diploma courses like Aeronautical, Pilot training, Shipping etc., approved by Director General of Civil Aviation / Shipping.
Courses offered in India by reputed Foreign Universities.
Evening courses of approved institutes.
Other courses leading to diploma / degree etc. conducted by colleges / universities approved by UGC / Govt./ AICTE / AIBMS / ICMR etc.
Teachers Training Course / Nursing Course / BEd will be eligible for education loan provided the training institutions are approved either by the Central Government or by State Government and such courses should lead to Degree or Diploma Courses and not to Certificate Course. Branches can consider the request for education loan under our “Bank's Gyan Scheme” for the above courses. The fees to be considered for purpose should be the fees structure as approved by the State Government or Government approved Regulatory Body for merit seats in Government Colleges / Private Self Financing Colleges, Cooperative and Colleges run by Universities, as the case may be.
Bank's Corporate Centre may approve other institution / courses depending on future prospects / recognition by user institutions.
Student Eligibility
Should be Resident Indian.
Should have secured admission in recognized institution for approved courses by UGC / Govt. / AICTE through Entrance Test / Merit Based selection process after completion of HSC (10 plus 2 or equivalent)
Where the selection process are not purely based on marks obtained in qualifying examination and the same is not the criterion for admission, Sanctioning Authority to adopt appropriate criteria based on employability and reputation of the institution concerned.
A meritorious student (who qualifies for a seat under merit quota) will also be eligible for loan under this scheme even if the student chooses to pursue a course under Management Quota.
Interest Rates & Charges
Simple interest to be charged at monthly rests during the repayment holiday / moratorium period.
0.50% Concession in rate of interest to loans for girl student.
Penal interest @ 2% p.a. on overdue amount, if the loan amount exceeds Rs.4.00 lacs.
Most Important Terms & Conditions
Target group
Students pursuing Graduation, Post-Graduation, Professional and other courses in India
Quantum of finance:
Maximum RS.80.00 Lakh for Medical & Aviation Education and
Maximum RS.10.00 Lakh for others.
Need based finance subject to repayment capacity of parents.
Up to RS. 4.00 lakhs: NIL
Above RS. 4.00 lakhs: 5%
Repayment Holiday/ Moratorium Period
Course period + 1 year.
Coverage of expenses for
Fee payable to college / Institution / University / School / Hostel.
Examination / Library / Laboratory fee.
Hostel fees / charges.
Purchase of books / equipment's / instruments / uniforms.
Caution deposit, Building fund / refundable deposit supported by institution bills / receipts, subject to condition that the amount does not exceed 10% of the total tuition fees for the entire course.
Purchase of Personal Computer / Laptop - essential for completion of the course.
Insurance premium for student borrower, if any opted by the student. Presently Bank has tie up with some Life Insurance co for Group Credit Life insurance cover to Education Loan borrowers.
Any other expenses required to complete the course – like study tours, project works, thesis, etc.
Cost of external coaching / tuition is not to be considered.
For admission taken under Management Quota Seats, fees as approved by the State Government / Government approved regulatory body for payment seats will be taken.
Note: The details of expenses for the entire course period to be obtained from college / institution.
Repayment Period
The loan is repayable in maximum 10 – 15 years after the completion of moratorium period as mentioned above
For loans up to RS. 7.50 Lakhs : Moratorium Period +Maximum -120- installments
For Loans above RS. 7.50 Lakhs : Moratorium Period +Maximum -180- installments
Unified Processing charges: NIL
A non refundable Lump sum amount Rs.7,500/- per property (towards Advocate and Valuer charges) to be taken upfront in case of all Education Loan accounts, wherever property is mortgaged.
Up to RS. 4.00 lacs: Co-obligation of parent. No Security.
Above RS. 4.00 Lacs and up to RS. 7.50 lacs
Collateral in the form of a suitable third party guarantee along with assignment of future income.
The Regional authority may, at its discretion, waive third party guarantee in following cases:
if satisfied with the net-worth / means of parent who would be executing the document as “Joint borrower”.
to support highly meritorious / deserving students who have secured admission in an institution of a high repute, but unable to offer suitable third party guarantee.
Above RS. 7.50 lacs, Tangible collateral security equal to 100% of the loan amount along with assignment of future income of the student for payment of instalments
Directly to School / Institution / hostel -- term wise / year wise, in stages as per the requirement / demand.
Directly to book seller / shop for purchase of books, instruments, equipment's.
In case student does not secure hostel facility with educational institute, he may be allowed to make his own arrangement if required. Lodging / boarding charges in such cases to be paid directly to concerned establishment, after verifying bonafides of the same.
B-Scholar (for study abroad)
This education loan scheme is given for MBA, MCA, MS, and other notified courses that help with job creation. To avail this education loan in India, the student must have secured admission to the notified institute and course. The loan limit for specified institutes is Rs. 80 lakhs and for non specified institutes is Rs. 60 lakhs.
Key Benefits
No processing charges.
No Margin on loans up to 4 lacs.
Free Debit Card.
Courses Eligible
Graduation: For job oriented professional / technical courses offered by reputed universities.
Post Graduation: MCA, MBA, MS. etc.
Courses conducted by CIMA-London, CPA in USA etc.
Regular Degree/ Diploma courses like Aeronautical, Pilot training, Shipping etc, provided these are recognized by local Aviation / Shipping authority and Director General of Civil Aviation/ shipping in India or the competent regulatory bodies in India / abroad for the purpose of employment in India / abroad.
List of Institutions Please click here for Specified List of Institutions in Abroad (649 KB).
List of Premier Institutes for Management course
List of Premier Institutes for STEM Courses (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) (after 10+2 course & above)
List of Premier Institutes for Medical and
List of Premier Institutes for Other Education (Law, Economics, econometrics, Art, performing arts and Design Courses)
(All the above Institutions to be treated at par)
Operating units may also consider loans for any other courses, other than the Management course, STEM Courses, Medical and Other Education courses offered by Institutes/Universities featured in above Lists D under our normal education loan scheme for study abroad without any preferential treatment.
Education Loans for courses offered by Universities/Institutes for study abroad other than specified in the above mentioned Lists can also be considered without any preferential treatment.
Student Eligibility
Should be an Indian National.
Secured admission to professional / technical courses Abroad through Entrance Test / Merit Based Selection process.
Interest Rates & Charges
Simple interest to be charged at monthly rests during the repayment holiday / moratorium period.
0.50% Concession in rate of interest to loans for girl student.
Penal interest @ 2% p.a. on overdue amount, if the loan amount exceeds Rs.4.00 lacs.
Please click on below link for Rate of Interest and Processing Charges
Most Important Terms & Conditions
Target group Students going abroad for Professional / Technical studies
Quantum of finance
RS. 80.00 lakh for Institutions specified in List of Premier Institutions
RS. 60.00 lakh for Institutions not specified in List of Premier Institutions
Need based finance subject to repayment capacity of parents
For Institutions specified in List of Premier Institutions : NIL (irrespective of loan amount)
Institutions not specified in List of Premier Institutions
Up to RS.4.00 lakh: NIL
Above RS.4.00 lakh:10%
Repayment Holiday/ Moratorium Period Course period + 1 year.
Coverage of expenses for
Fee payable to College / Institution / University / Hostel / Mess charges
Examination / Library / Laboratory fee
Purchase of books / equipment's / instruments / uniforms
Personal Computers / Laptops wherever required
Caution deposit, Building fund / Refundable deposit supported by institution bills / receipts, subject to condition that the amount does not exceed 10% of the total tuition fees for the entire course.
Purchase of computers, if essential for completion of the course.
Insurance premium for student borrower
Any other expenses required to complete the course – like study tours, project works, thesis, etc.
Travel expenses / passage money (to and from)
Cost of external coaching / tuition is NOT to be considered.
Note: The details of expenses for the entire course period to be obtained from college / institution.
Repayment Period
The loan is repayable in maximum 10 – 15 years after the completion of moratorium period as mentioned above
For loans up to RS. 7.50 Lakhs : Moratorium Period +Maximum -120- installments
For Loans above RS. 7.50 Lakhs : Moratorium Period +Maximum -180- installments
Unified Processing charges
1.00% of Loan amount (maximum ₹ 10,000/-) to be recovered upfront which will be refundable on availment (first disbursement) of loan. The amount can be refunded to the credit of Saving Bank account / Loan account of the student / borrower.
A non refundable Lump sum amount Rs.7,500/- per property (towards Advocate and Valuer charges) to be taken upfront in case of all Education Loan accounts, wherever property is mortgaged .
Up to RS. 4.00 lacs: Co-obligation of parent. No Security.
Above RS. 4.00 Lacs and up to RS. 7.50 lacs
Collateral in the form of a suitable third party guarantee along with assignment of future income.
The Regional authority may, at its discretion, waive third party guarantee in following cases:
if satisfied with the net-worth / means of parent who would be executing the document as “Joint borrower”.
to support highly meritorious / deserving students who have secured admission in an institution of a high repute, but unable to offer suitable third party guarantee
Above RS. 7.50 lacs, Tangible collateral security equal to 100% of the loan amount along with assignment of future income of the student for payment of instalments.
Directly to School / Institution / hostel -- term wise / year wise, in stages as per the requirement / demand.
Directly to book seller / shop for purchase of books, instruments, equipment's.
In case student does not secure hostel facility with educational institute, he may be allowed to make his own arrangement if required. Lodging / boarding charges in such cases to be paid directly to concerned establishment, after verifying bonafides of the same.